Happy Birthday Nate and Ellie

A BIG Happy Birthday to both Nate and Ellie. Nate and Ellie have their birthday’s 1 day a part and are the same age! Yesterday our team celebrated a belated birthday for them with cake as they were both away for their birthdays!

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Farewell Tim

Today we said good bye to Dr Tim Shing Cheng. Dr Tim has decided to go and do a bit of travelling before returning to his GP journey. We wish him well!

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Goodbye Dr Khine Soe and Dr Florence Su

Recently we said goodbye to 2 of our amazing registrars Dr Khine Soe and Dr Florence Su. Both of these doctors have made a big impact here at Greenmeadows Medical not only with the gentle care and compassion for our patients but the professional friendships they have built with staff. We will miss both Khine…

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Goodbye Dr Eva and Hello Astrid

Last week we said goodbye to Dr Eva Chung. Dr Eva has finished her time with us at Greenmeadows and its now time for her to move on. We are very lucky to have the Registrars we do and we always miss them when they have to move on but as always we wish Eva…

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Farewell Maria

Yesterday we said farewell to Maria. Maria has decided to focus on her career in the fitness industry. (We may need to see her for lessons after eating all of the chocolate we have received for Christmas). In all seriousness Maria, we thank you for your time with us and we wish you well and…

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Medical Student Joe

Recently we had Joe a Medical Student from UNSW here with us at Greenmeadows for a number of weeks. Joe had the opportunity to assist doctors and nurses during his time at Greenmeadows. A fun fact about Joe: he plays the guitar and sings! All the best with your study Joe.

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Melissa Medical Student

In the last 6 weeks, we have had lovely Melissa here on placement with us. Melissa is currently studying to become a GP. We always get very spoilt from our Medical Students as a way to say “thanks for having me”. During Melissa’s time here she spoilt us with chocolate coated strawberries.   Thanks for…

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Farewell Ann

Recently we said goodbye to our Practice Manager Ann. We wish Ann well and thank her for her time here at Greenmeadows. Ann will have a lot more time to pursue her music interest. Until a new Practice Manager is appointed we have our Reception Manager and Admin Officer available for enquiries.

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Goodbye Cherry

Recently we said goodbye to Cherry one of our medical receptionist’s. Cherry working with you has been a pleasure. We know the next phase of your life will be full of growth and opportunity. All the best on your new adventure.

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Goodbye Dr Thompson

On Friday we had to farewell our Dr Thompson!   Dr Thompson was one of our amazing registrars that we had working with us at Greenmeadows. It is always bittersweet when we have to say goodbye to our registrars that work with us as they always work so hard, their dedication to the practice is…

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