Footy Colours Day

Yesterday Greenmeadows Medical and the Greenmeadows Pharmacy dressed in football jerseys in support of kids with cancer. Fight Cancer Foundation’s Footy Colours Day is a national community fundraising event which helps kids with cancer keep up with school. You too can support the foundation by wearing your footy colours and/or making a donation at

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Farewell Sue

Greenmeadows Medical sadly has said goodbye to Sue our amazing practice manager. Sue had been a part of Greenmeadows for 13 years and has made a massive impact on the practice. From her contagious laughter to her constant enthusiasm and compassion, she has changed the face of Greenmeadows and every patient and staff member within…

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R U OK Day

Today is R U OK Day. In these unpredictable times its becoming more and more important to stay connected to those around us. The road through life along with its ups and downs can affect people in many different ways. It time to reach out and ask R U OK?? If you want to reach…

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